Category Archives: Poetry

Yes, I’m going to try go back to my first love.

To have loved and lost


May is a bitter-sweet month for me. Some of my most favourite people in the world celebrate their birthdays in this month and the weather is pleasant with spring in full swing. Daffodils line the borders of the garden beds and lawns are ready for their first trim.

I look out the window, into my back garden. It has been raining all day but I am actually pleased as I spent the weekend weeding and planting. The magnolia tree is in bloom, even though it’s only 4 feet tall at the moment. We planted it in memory of my late mother and brother in law. I look forward to the years when I can finally enjoy its shade, as though I were in her arms again. I’m always looking for ways to connect with my mother and having been an avid gardener, I feel her presence amongst leafy souls.

“Grief is a cruel kind of education.” Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie – Notes on Grief

Years after my mum died, I was consumed with anger. I was 25 when she passed, recently married and had relocated to Edinburgh. Life felt good, so it’s no understatement that I felt blindsided; cheated on what were meant to be rosier days. The days after she passed, I was in a bubble. Family and friends rallied around us and provided us with the support and comfort we desperately needed to come to terms with our loss. However, time moved on and so did people. The cocoon, that kept me from the wrath of loss I was ill-prepared to deal with, was gone. We were not special anymore, after all, everyone loses someone. The guilt was instant, “if I was there, maybe I could have done something.” Of course this all comes from an egotistical place within. When I could not carry the guilt any longer, I found something else to focus all that pain on. I blamed God. He was supposed to be omnipotent and my mother prayed everyday, dedicating her time and resources in praise of Him. So, of all the people in the world, why her? That question consumed me for a long time.

“You ain’t felt grief, till you felt it sober.” Kendrick Lamar – Mother I Sober

With the benefit of hindsight, I understand that the anger saved me from deeper depths I may not have been able to crawl out from. Over the years, I have come to marry the joy of life with the sense of loss that never quite leaves you. Overcoming grief is a constant practice in resilience. In looking for connections, you also have to feel the loss. I had deitified her in my memory but the burden of anger became a toll I could no longer bear. Over the years, I have revisited my roots with fresh eyes, no romanticism but simply the reality of what was.

“The attempt to escape from pain, is what creates more pain.”

Gabor Mate

My mother was my anchor; she gave meaning to my life because I was still building my own. Even though we were thousand of miles apart, I wasn’t ready to let go of her support, never mind losing her completely. The sad part is, memories do fade. We get older and the details are murkier which is frustrating. I kept the last text she sent me for the longest time “Miss you. So many nyayas, no one to talk to.”

Sometimes when I struggle to recall certain memories, I worry it’s because I spent so many years angry instead of cherishing what I had. I look at my daughter, and I grieve the love she will never receive from her maternal mother. I know she would have been loved fiercely and spoilt rotten. I see so much of my mother in her.

Some questions have no answers, and some wounds do not heal. But life still demands that we show up; so that’s what I do, everyday. Except today, 17 years later also on a Tuesday, my heart bleeds.

There is no grief, like the grief that does not speak – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

I tried ….


First attempt at audio visual poetry!

I tried to be different

Tried to walk with the crowd

Wings clipped under armpits drenched in sweaty desires.

I tried to laugh with them like I cared for their jargon.

Who was I to hold my chest up, chin up into the breezy, dizzy air of opportunity.

I tried so hard until it broke me

They laughed and called me weak.

“How can she fail to do what comes so easily for us?”

Wounded with inward anger I chose what was easy for me too!

I soared, above their heads, above the clouds.

I rose high into the mountains and found those like me.

Those who did so easily what I’d strived to hide.

In fear I tried to be less than

Misplaced loyalty and a fear of change

I tried so hard it broke me,

And in my failure I found greatness unbound.

The Other

The Other


There’s this little monster barely four feet tall

She started out needy, desperate for love and attention 

She was brilliant and obedient
Yet no one really noticed.
Now she’s the occasional bitch
That cuts you with words deep.
She’s at the tip of my tongue 
When I’m riled and annoyed
She would alienate me from all I love
If I let her free. 
That little girl in me still hungers 
For what can never be. 
But her breath is mine too
Intertwined, two hearts in one soul 
She would burn all the bridges
Just to prove a point 
Even if the very act 
Would be her final breath. 
So now 
When I catch her reflection in my own
I smile, 
And she smiles back. 

Quiet whispers


Quiet whispers.
Tut tuts in the kitchen
The world is ablaze.
And we spit into the fire.
We all know what’s going on.
We know where we went wrong
But Lord help us should anyone know
Exactly where we stand.
Opinions watered down
In a sea of preferment.
You either dance to the song
Or sit yourself down.
No ones listening to your tune.
The death of our dreams lies in our apathy.
A programmed empathy only has one victim.
Yet we all bleed.
©bantugoddess 2014


Silent Inferno


I’ve been
An angel
My hearts yearned
Loved and lost.
The roots of hate and despair
Have grown in these soils
I’ve been someone’s pride and joy;
Their shame.
My laughter’s rung through the silent nights.
Grappling the heart of an unsuspecting lover,
I bat my eyelids and they fell to the floor.
I walked past them and no one turned their heads.
A sea of contradiction.
A vault of experience ,
The journey not over.
I seek the title of

©bantugoddess 2014


Day dreaming


I’ve been standing so straight my back hurts.
Landed flat on my feet each time, my knees are killing me.
The first cut sank deep I bled dry.
Constantly borrowing love, my transfusions eternal.
Pretended it didn’t hurt for so long I grew numb.
For a split second you were all I could see, breathe.
And now I’m stark naked , raw.
I want you with an aching that’s dissipated all unfeeling.
I’m barely in your universe but when I close my eyes, you’re breathing on my neck , touching me.
I’m infected by your existence.
Your brilliance awakens in me the truth I’d long buried.
I am love, loveable. I do love.
And oh, I want to love you. Consume your every desire.
Let you in, past every barricade and lie detector test.
Free falling!
I’m like a raging bull finely tucked away in a trinket box.
My composure belies the intense passion rising.
You loving me will just be the beginning.
What I have planned will play out in a lifetime.
©bantugoddess 2014


I am.


Somehow a system designed to keep me down has the propensity to make me great?
Someone’s trippin!
The gatekeepers hold the cards and the keys
I’ve just become great at reading their faces
They say sit back and we’ll fix your life
If their all up in my business who’s taking care of theirs?
Brings a new meaning to caught up in the matrix.
Dangling rights this rights this.
How are you gonna gift me something that’s not yours anyway ?
Crazy isn’t it?
Tax me, work me but I can’t choose who I sleep with?
Church and state, mutually exclusive?
Something’s got to give.
The thing about being a number is no one cares what you think or how you feel.
Use that, they won’t see you coming.
Im not blind or resigned,
I’m just trying to work out how to get up from underneath you.
It takes a strong soul to carry the weight of the worlds bull.
And a little common sense to realise that even pretension costs a lot these days.
The world had me thinking I had a lot of room to make up,
Things to have to give my life meaning
But at each turn, poor as I was
They robbed me blind.
Now my repossession order is out.
Im Taking back all the basics , self image, self respect and dignity , love for self,
And returning all the lies that made me a beggar in my own life.
Life’s promises are etched on the faces of all the faithful.
We just need to scrap through the excess makeup and see each other for what we really are, light chasers.
Do right.
Simplistically put.
But the barriers before me, try to impede my unfolding.
I’ve always been on my path. I just took a few more stops than intended
And now, no matter what’s brought before me,
The truth in me is my only compass.

Brenda Vengesa ©




Wise words can sometimes feel like a shouting match
Everywhere you look words of inspiration spit at you like
Mothers , aunties, sisters and friends telling you that man is no good.
You build up a pyramid of ideas ;
make the ancestors proud.
But it crumbles before your eyes;
You built it on sand.
Last night he whispered to me.
No, I’d bought his book.
Read his every word and he told me his story.
Conformity has been my stagnation.
Trying to tell my story within the confines of my target audience
But life is like that crazy man in the street shouting bible verses and profanities in one.
You either state your case in your own words, time and style
Or yours will always be the case of what could have been.
I know I love this; words in multiple mediums.
A book, poem, song or rhyme.
My heart’s in it.
A multitude of emotions and each one is a story in itself.
Who you love, when and why
That’s always been up to me.
Consequences are inevitable but they aren’t the stumbling blocks.
I am.
Ready to to give in before I’d even started.
Prepared for failure before I’ve even put myself forward.
Who knows.
I could be writing this all over again,
Different words, circumstances same emotions.
But today is different,
I’m putting in the work,making it count.
That’s all the success I can handle


Mind control


Self analysis
Self revocation
When one needs to be quiet
The mind creates endless banter
Designed to numb the soul searching
Numbed with pointless facts and fears
Self pity self conscious
The heart desires that which is denied
The fallacy is the independence of the mind
The truth is the interconnected ness of that which is one
Without mind the soul starves
And without hope and desire
The mind is little challenged
Peace is inevitable.
Just stop.
